Draining the toxins out, breathing the light in. Spending time with myself to find who I’ve been hiding, to find the pure me underneath these filthy rocks that have been thrown at me. It was agony to crawl out of the tsunami of anxiety, insecurities, and depression, but I bled to live. I can sense the negativity off people now, I know that for worth to remain high I have to be selfish at times. Nurturing and caring is in my spirit, but when excuses, insults and wicked actions follow, it’s time to be more strict with the heart and mind. I have analyzed my past, scanned my toxic tree. The relationships, friendships, family and work networks. I know I never wanna settle for the contamination that almost suffocated me, I never wanna have limits that give me a dead end with regret. I’m feeling and holding onto the energy for my purpose, for my vitality. Happiness, love, and dreams I refuse to ever be temporary again.